Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Why I've Been Missing / Spring Break

Wow. I am so GOOD at disappearing from the blogging world.

I don't mean it, I promise! I've just...well, before my previous entry last week, I had been out of town for a week and half a whirlwind of a few weeks before/after that in terms of school mess. Tests, quizzes, assignments, and just listening to lectures! Plus working 40 hours a week. Oy. There was one point where I was awake for 40 hours straight. Yes, being awake that long makes you feel drunk.

Thankfully, next week is spring break, and while I still have schoolwork due this week, my number of lectures is dwindling. The week after spring break, as well. I do have a few assignments I need to work on over spring break, but...eh, whatever. They'll get done. I've already started on one of them.

In the meantime, I'm planning on cleaning the bajeezus out of my living quarters. I'm not gonna lie, besides just needing to be organized BIG TIME, I also need to actually clean. It's by no means the dirtiest place I've been (nor is it the dirtiest I've allowed my apartment to become), but I haven't cleaned in...awhile. My main motivation on this is I just got 2 Scentsy warmers and 9 sets of wax and they smell DIVINE. However, I do need a clearer countertop for my large warmer that I got...so starting as soon as I finish this post, I'll be doing some cleaning and organizing before bed.

Yes, it's 1:45am and I'm going to be doing housework and homework. Don't judge me. I get home from work around 11:45pm. I don't normally get up until 10am or so, which doesn't leave tons of time to get stuff done.

Coming up later this week will be some new posts - I promise! What kind of posts do you want to see? Let me know in the comments!

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