Sunday, August 12, 2012

Intro Post

Healthy Eating

I'm currently trying to clean up my eating. I've been working on this since about April, but more hardcore the past couple of months. I've been tracking my eating via the MyFitnessPal app on my iPhone, and I have to say I'm pretty fond of it. Right now I'm just trying to get more healthy food in...I eat a lot of processed/frozen food, and I definitely don't eat enough fresh fruits/veggies/whole grains. I don't eat enough veggies period.
But, I have gotten portion control down, as well as how much I eat in general a day. Tracking your intake is amazing for showing you just how much crap you eat. And I also tend to eat when I'm not actually hungry...when I'm bored, upset, watching TV, etc.


I've been doing the Insanity program for 2 weeks now, I'm starting week 3. Starting out with the program was ROUGH. The first time I tried it, I couldn't even make it through the warmup without feeling like I was going to die on the floor. Then I would pause more often, extend breaks, etc. Now I'm at the point where I will extend breaks to get more water or if my joints/muscles are absolutely killing me. I've found that having my own music on instead of listening to their music really motivates me into finishing the workouts (I listen to a lot of Katy Perry, LMFAO, and Breathe Caroline Pandora stations as well as music I have downloaded of theirs).
I do modify a few of the exercises, almost entirely (if not entirely) ones involving push-ups. I have weak wrists, so I'll often hold a plank position/modified plank position for the time that the exercise is being done. Or I'll do "girl" push-ups on my knees so that there's less weight on my wrists.
Before starting Insanity, I really didn't work out. I walk at a fairly moderate pace at least a few hours per night at work (sometimes up to 6 hours a night), five nights a week. Before starting Insanity, I was using the Nike Fitness Club app on my iPhone and then did a week's worth of Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred (I started on Level One for a few days, stopping being challenged and moved up to Level Two, but even that seemed fairly easy after two days, so then I switched to Insanity).
I do my full 6 Insanity Workouts a week, except I skip the days I have fit tests and have an extra rest day. I mostly do my workouts after I get off of work, and sometimes I end up doing more than one workout in a day. I try to not torture my boyfriend and avoid doing them when he's around, so my Friday and Saturday workouts often get done earlier than scheduled.


I work in a hospital lab as a lab assistant. I do a lot of the ordering of tests, processing of specimens, answering phone calls, etc. It's definitely a fast-paced job, and I do like it, but I'm ready to move up in the lab world, hence why I'm going back to school to become a tech. I'm also have issues with my boss currently, which makes things even more painful at work (it's painful because I'm ready to move up and I know that I will be able to in about a year and a half maximum, hopefully sooner).


I'm actually travelling today to go register for school and get all of that kind of junk done. I'm doing it online through a school in another state because there really isn't a feasible option for me where I live to get it done. I already have a BS in Biology, which got my foot in the door in the lab, but it's much easier for me to go back to school for a year and a half (and get a second BS) and get fully certified than it is to try to work my way up in the lab otherwise. Plus I would likely never get fully certified otherwise. It's the smartest move for me, plus I have the feeling I'm one of those people that will be a perpetual student.


1 comment:

  1. i don't know why i didn't think to type the name you commented with into the browser bar until now.... but yea! sorry about that! before I clicked on your name and it just took me to a profile page. I wasn't thinking... anyway, i love the myfitnesspal app too! it is the easiest thing i've used to track calories.

    my friend was doing insanity before she found out she was pregnant. i know i need a program like that, but i'm not in a huge hurry to lose the weight I have (now that the other obligations I was stressing about are over) even though maybe I should be. I just want to lose maybe 30 lbs before the wedding but it's 16 months away, so not feeling too much heat yet. I am still doing some of the body revolution workouts for strength and more leisurely walking. because believe it or not, that's the activity I craved after walking miles on vacation. i really felt like, OK i have to go for a walk, NOW! once I'd been home for a couple days. the thing that has changed majorly for me that I feel has been the most helpful has been eating more healthfully as well, definitely! pinterest has really helped me find some great recipes!

    it's great that you're going back to school! i really want to do that too. i actually want to go back to school with a program to be an x-ray tech, but I am not willing to do it until bobby finds a job and we have a solid relocation/or not plan in view!
