Thursday, August 30, 2012

Getting the Word Out

So guys. I got a Twitter solely for this website. It's @HealthAndSnark...I got original, I know.

I also have an email account if you want to email me anything...if you have questions, want to link up, want a guest is HealthAndSnark [at] gmail [dot] com. Or if you have something you want me to delve into for you...I may already have some ideas coming about it, but if not, I'm more than open to doing some reason or just giving my opinion!

I'm trying to promote this site! I'm also wanting to be able to link to other blogs/sites! I don't care if you're a mommy-blogger, fashion-blogger, or fitness-blogger, I want to link to you! I will be adding in some of my daily links, but if you would like to be linked, please either leave a comment or shoot me an email. And if you want to link me back, that would be awesome as well :)

I hope everyone is having a great day! I'm trying to get some school stuff taken care of as the end of the week closes in, but there will be a new post tomorrow with real content. I have a running list on my phone right now of topics, and I'm putting them in as I think of them.

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