Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Have you ever been so insulted/offended by someone downplaying your abilities/skills/intelligence that you were shaking and -literally- seeing red?

This happened to me yesterday. While I'm not going to get into details here (I do have a LITTLE bit of class!), I have to say that I have NEVER felt so insulted in my lifetime, and it was a combination of 4 people that accomplished this, one in particular. While the one in particular does not know me well, it's partially that fact that I felt so offended by his comments and general attitude toward the situation.

While I feel like I handled the situation as best as I could - sitting there and taking it at the time, letting myself cool down for over 24 hours, then writing a simple email to the principal party involved - I would have loved to go take my frustrations out in the gym. Of course, I also would have liked to shout obscenities at various people, but once again, I do have SOME class.

I know I'm being horrendously vague, but I don't want someone from my real life to come across this.

If you have been in a situation like this before, what did you do?

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