Friday, January 25, 2013


Yes, I'm like 95% (totally made-up stats y'all) of the population when I say I look forward to Fridays nearly EVERY week.

It's normally our slowest day of the workweek, leaving me with ample time to get work things done and not feel rushed, as well as leaving me with a few hours to get schoolwork done as well. Win/win, right?
I also normally get to begin my lazy weekends with my boyfriend, starting with our weekly Friday-night-at-11:30pm trips to Denny's as soon as I get off work.

Unfortunately, this weekend is not the case.
The pitfalls of working in a hospital is that they tend to be open 24/7. In most hospitals, this means the lab needs to be staffed on the weekends too. And, because we are currently shorter staffed than a sewage plant, I'm pretty much on the working-every-other-weekend rotation. Because also factoring into this is the people that we can't seem to get rid of that suck at their job, and thus can't be TRUSTED to work a weekend.
Ah, the inequalities. Being good at something means you get crap pay and you have to work more weekends.

Anyhow. Boyfriend has to work too. The shift before me. So we don't get a chance to see each other at all this weekend. (No, we don't live together and we only typically see each other on the weekends.)
Thankfully, our days off coincided enough to have yesterday off together and then Monday, our anniversary, we both have the day off as well.

So, while I am happy that it's Friday, it's also a bit bittersweet. Oh well. Maybe I'll get some blog posts written up for you guys while I have some time to myself.

How is your Friday going?

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